PULL SWITCH (100×200 – 120×200 – 120×240)


PULL SWITCH series, made of 9 displays,
is inserted in the wall of your showroom:
you can show your product
by pulling out the panels.

Colours: available in any colour

N. panels: 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

N. expositive panels: 4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20

Display size:
PULL SWITCH 10 (100×200):
cm 108(A) x 242,2(B) x 141,2(C)
Inch 42,5(A) x 95(B) x 55,5(C)
Weight: 508 kg – 1120 Lb

PULL SWITCH 10 (120×200):
cm 108(A) x 242,2(B) x 161,2(C)
Inch 42,5(A) x 95(B) x 63,5(C)
Weight: 610 kg – 1344 Lb

PULL SWITCH 10 (120×240):
cm 108(A) x 282,2(B) x 161,2(C)
Inch 42,5(A) x 111(B) x 63,5(C)
Weight: 732 kg – 1613 Lb

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